Secret of Girls

Selena Gomez Is Making The Bob The Hairstyle Trend In Autumn 2023 At Tiktok


The actress and singer Selena Gomez is particularly keen to experiment this year - not necessarily with regard to an unusual choice of roles, but definitely with her hairstyles. At the beginning of the year, the 29-year-old swapped her brunette whale mane for hydrogen-blonde hair in the Marilyn Monroe look. Nothing can be seen of the blonde hair today and neither of the Walle hairstyle. Selena Gomez had it cut into a sleek bob. We reveal what it has to look like in autumn 2021 to be the hairstyle trend according to the actress.

Selena Gomez Is Making The Bob The Hairstyle Trend In Autumn 2023 At TikTok
Selena Gomez makes the bob the hairstyle trend at TikTok in autumn 2021. How it should look now - here.

The bob will become a hairstyle trend in autumn 2021 - according to Selena Gomez and TikTok

Selena Gomez presents herself in her latest TikTok video - the actress filmed herself making a fun call to a friend - with a new bob hairstyle that is really extremely cool and sleek. The star from "Spring Breakers" is relying on an extra sharp variant of the classic hairstyle for autumn 2021 and featured a blunt bob that reaches under the chin.

The bob will become a hairstyle trend in autumn 2021 - according to Selena Gomez and TikTok | Selena Gomez Is Making The Bob The Hairstyle Trend In Autumn 2023 At TikTok
Instagram: @gomezupdatesmarie2

How To Style The Bob Hairstyle Like Selena Gomez?

Selena Gomez's bob hairstyle is not only characterized by a particularly clean blunt cut. The actress also uses her hairstyle to ensure that her bob hairstyle looks particularly accurate. She has styled her dark brown hair really straight - the best way to do this is to use a straightening iron. The actress also parted extremely straight in the middle to enhance the sleek look of her bob. With a little mousse after washing and before blow-drying you can ensure the perfect hold of this trendy hairstyle.

Conclusion: The smart bob hairstyle is suitable for all those who need a change, but don't want to look completely different right away.

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