Secret of Girls

5 Tips To Rejuvenate Yourself With Your Haircut


A hairstyle can totally transform us. The proof by five with our best beauty tips to look younger with your haircut.

5 Tips To Rejuvenate Yourself With Your Haircut

In our forties and fifties, some hairstyles make us look better than others. Obviously, the choice of your hairstyle is up to you and it must please you above all else. But certain hair lengths and details of the cut can have a rejuvenating effect that one might want to benefit from. Overview of hairstyle reflexes to adopt to appear younger.

Tip for rejuvenating yourself with your hair: Change the length

It's a fact, although some people wear long hair very nicely past fifty, medium and short haircuts still tend to make us look younger. Unlike long hair which can quickly compress the silhouette and give us a less dynamic look, they are slender and slim in the face. To rejuvenate yourself, shortening your locks is, therefore, a good option. This does not mean necessarily adopting an ultra short bob or a boyish cut that will instantly frame and therefore highlight your face, but rather lighten your hairstyle. If short boyish hair is perfect for this, mid-length layered or tapered cuts are also great for softening the contours of the face and slimming the neck. By opting for these types of more structured cuts, you will easily save a few years.

Note, however, that depending on your body type, it is also possible that letting your hair grow a little makes all the difference. The best? Make an appointment with a hairstylist to effectively change the length.

Tip for rejuvenating yourself with your hair: Move your parting

To structure your hairstyle, we also advise you to swap your parting in the middle for a movement on the side that gives a less strict look to the face after your fifties. By moving your part to the side, you can make your cut more dynamic (and therefore “younger”) but also distract from your forehead wrinkles.

Tip to rejuvenate yourself with your hair: Opt for bangs

It's not for nothing that Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci have often chosen to wear bangs. Indeed, this detail of the cut is ideal for a rejuvenating look. Camouflaging most of the forehead, which is one of the first areas where wrinkles appear (and accumulate), this straight strand, which structures the cut and the face, has the advantage of diverting attention from the signs of 'age. In addition to hiding those on the forehead, it draws attention to the eye level which will emphasize your eyes, while preventing those of your interlocutors from landing on another area of ​​your face marked by fine lines. Smart! If you're not a fan of the graphic look, just consider wearing it with a side view. Thus, it helps to better conceal crow's feet wrinkles.

Our advice: opt for a rather thick but tapered fringe, which displays a few lighter strands, so as not to weigh down the cut.


Tip for rejuvenating yourself with your hair: Add volume

In addition to the haircut itself, which can focus on layering to gain volume, the way you style it is also very important when trying to make people believe that you are a few years younger. When it comes to styling, the ideal way to rejuvenate is to focus on the volume and dynamism of the cut. To avoid the unflattering raplapla effect that the hair can sometimes take, we emphasize a good blow-drying while in volume, done once or twice a week. On a daily basis, between two stylings, we give the hair more volume by playing with styling products (volume-effect foams, styling, and texturizing powders and sprays or even dry shampoo) to gain volume in just a few minutes.

Tip to rejuvenate yourself with your hair: Lighten your color

As we know, the color of your hair has a huge influence on the overall look of the haircut. Once the correct length and details of the cut are in place, it is therefore important to take an interest in coloring. It's a fact that dark hair tends to harden the features. It is therefore useful to lighten your hair to soften the face and look younger. However, there is no question of going platinum blonde while you are brown. A simple one to three-tone lightening is more than enough to rejuvenate you with color. If you don't fancy a full color, also consider the illuminating and flattering effect of the balayage which will bring a flash of light to the face and soften your features by highlighting only a few strands.

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